Dear Friends,
When I set out to select a Spring show, my main objective was to find a story that would speak to us right where we are at this moment in history. After months of reading scripts, I decided that “The Hiding Place” is the message our hearts need right now. Corrie ten Boom and her family lived in one of the darkest times in human history. Yet they found a way to live courageously — even joyfully — and poured out their lives to rescue hundreds of victims of war.
What a joy it was to direct this show. From the first table read, the cast has been invested in this story whole-heartedly. Our practices have been filled with both laughter and tears. I loved seeing the story unfold through the eyes of each actor. It meant something different to each one. For Susan, it is the honor of presenting the story of one of her great heroes. For Blaine, it is a connection to the senior citizens he works with. For Meagan, it is a tribute to her Jewish family members. For Alyse, it is a chance to share truth with her daughters.
For me, I have realized that there are depths to the love of God that can see me through any darkness. It’s the story I needed. I pray that you find hope and courage tonight for your own story.
With gratitude,
Tawnya Lee
Producer and Director
Love Your City Theater