This year's production could not have come together without the help of so many wonderful people. We would like to especially thank
- The LHS custodial staff for always taking care of us
- Kaleb Thueson for taking on sound
- Loveland High Performing Arts Boosters for...well too many things to name! You are beyond appreciated and we are so lucky to have your support.
- Jackson Mueller for always showing up for LHS
- Hailey Bergstrom for headshots
- Wendy Thompson for the action photos
- Matt Blumenstein for the support and scheduling of this space
- All the parents who donated props, time, hours, food
- Chris Thornton for set construction
- Matt Braggins & his special helper Judah for the hours of work on tech!
- Lost Marbles for letting us borrow costumes
- Ability Composites for all the batteries
- Fort Collin's Children's Theatre for costumes
- English Department for always listening to our rants!