MCT thanks the following for their assistance with this production:
Lowe's Flowers,
Jonathan Bizios and staff of Minuteman Printing and Graphics,
Family Members of the Cast and Crew,
St. Paul's Episcopal Church for use of their facility,
Marshalltown Community School District
Jodi Breniman & Jeff Braddock of Miller Middle School,
Bernie Grady, Molly "Sparky" Grady, John Winters, Jr., Michael Gill, Susanna Meyer, Lisa Naig, Sheryl Duden, Hobz Hooley, and Pete Grady for providing props,
and to anyone we may have inadvertently omitted.
A special thank you to the family of Valois J. Britnall for their memorial bequest to Marshalltown Community Theatre and to the many friends who donated in her memory. Valois loved MCT and contributed her time and talents as a director, actress and Board member. She graced our stage as a soloist, sharing her beautiful alto voice for countless Gala productions.
Consider becoming a sustaining member of MCT. As the only
all-volunteer, non-profit live theater company in the area, we rely on the support of our patrons and the community.
Let's continue to bring quality theater to the Heart of Iowa.
To learn more about this opportunity
or to make a tax-deductible donation, please contact:
Kevin Jensen, MCT Treasurer
Like us on Facebook: Marshalltown Community Theatre or
For questions contact Rick at Lowe's Flowers at 641-752-4601
(Hours: M - F 8:00 am - 4pm)
Our new MCT website is live! Visit us at
Please send us an email at with “Patron” in the subject line and your first and last names in the body of the message.