Eric Li, Flute
Eric has been a member of the Masterman orchestra since freshman year, and been a student of the music department since 5th grade. He would like to thank Mrs. Neu for an incredible 8 years, and always being supportive even after tiring musical rehearsals. He knows that the pit orchestra is the most important part of any musical, so he'd also like to acknowledge all of the orchestra members for dealing with everyone else.
Maeve McNichol, Belle
Maeve is so excited to be in Beauty & the Beast, her last musical at Masterman! She is an active part of the music department and hopes to pursue theater as a major alongside psychology. Previous productions including Legally Blonde (2023), Pippin (2022), and various local company shows from 2013-present. Sending endless love to her wonderful parents, family, Maxine, and Clara for their unwavering support.
Alvin Pan, Percussion
Alvin has been a part of the pit since the 10th grade, when he played the xylophone for Pippin. Outside of the pit, he likes playing games like Pokemon and Yugioh, building robots, and recording random voice clips for fun. He fondly remembers wearing a boa and fedora to one of the senior graduation ceremonies
Grace Polito, Cello
Grace has been doing theater since elementary school. Joining the show orchestra opened up a whole new side of musical theater for her, and she loves being able to perform as a cellist while listening to the cast on stage. She has been in Annie, Pippin, and Legally Blonde so far at Masterman, and wants to thank Ms. Neu and everyone who works so hard on the musical for turning it into a truly magical experience!
Liam Silverberg ,Cogsworth
Liam is thrilled to perform in his final Masterman musical, Beauty and the Beast! This is his seventh musical at Masterman, with BatB marking his second major role following his portrayal of Professor Callahan in Legally Blonde. He would like to thank Dr. Shapiro and Ms. Neu for being with him throughout his musical journey and for letting him audition last-minute for Oliver in 6th grade. Without them, Liam wouldn't be where he is today.
Alex Steketee, Cello
Alex is a senior cellist who has been involved with the pit orchestra for the past 6 years. His favorite memories range from the cooking of hotdogs mid-dress rehearsal to many “creative” pre-show speeches. Alex wants to thank Ms Neu and all the other orchestra members for all of their contributions to the overall performances and to his own personal experiences.

Eric Maeve Alvin Grace Liam Alex