Matilda the Musical - November 11 - November 13, 2021

Mechanicsville High School

 End Notes 

Director’s Notes

   Welcome back to live theatre!  We have missed YOU, our loyal audience members and are so glad to be back on stage.  Roald Dahl’s Matilda the musical marks the first production of our 2021-2022 “Miracle Season”.  (It’s a miracle that we’re back onstage!)

   Matilda chronicles the life of Matilda Wormwood who has the gift of telekinesis and who loves reading, as she overcomes obstacles caused by her family and school.  Matilda’s sense of justice and standing up for the underdog is one of the prominent themes in the story, especially as she works to help her teacher Miss Honey overcome the oppressive headmistress, Miss Trunchbull and reclaim what is rightfully hers. Matilda’s spunk and grit is much needed for all of us as we try to reclaim a sense of normal in our ever changing world.  She is a reminder to us all that “sometimes we have to be a little bit naughty” in order to be seen and heard.  She also reminds us that “even if you’re little, you can do a lot, you mustn't let a little thing like little stop you”.  What a great message for anyone who feels like the underdog. 

   It is my hope that as you watch our talented company of dedicated performers and technicians bring this story to life you will find hope and courage in facing whatever injustices you meet along the way.  


Please consider supporting the Mechanicsville Theatre Company by joining our boosters organization or becoming a patron.  Please also continue to advocate for performing arts in our schools.  


Special thanks:

   No MTC production is done by a single person.  As a director I’m grateful for the support of our Drama Boosters and Parent Committees who make producing shows of this scale possible.  From building the sets, to altering costumes to making programs and lobby displays to chaperoning rehearsals and providing snacks during tech week, the MTC parents are the absolute BEST.  

   I’m also grateful for the support of the artistic team Ms. Lydia Fisher-Lasky, musical director, Kristina Switzer, choreographer and Zach Shrader, set designer.  I would be lost without the talent and expertise they bring to our rehearsal process.  Sara Matthews, our show coordinator, keeps our parent committees informed and allows me to focus on the students.  Her ability to keep everything organized keeps our productions running smoothly.

   I’m also thankful for my student leaders who prop me up when I’m not sure I can keep going.  Sam Matthews, production stage manager has been by my side anticipating my every need along with training Jack Dompkowski, stage manager, Lucy Green and Addison Drake, assistant stage managers. Serena Dean dance captain takes copious notes and works with all of our non dancers until they are comfortable with choreography.  These students step up and do whatever it takes to help the company be successful and their countless hours well past rehearsal time are greatly appreciated.  

   I couldn’t do my job without some talented friends who graciously donate their time and expertise to our productions, Barry Will, Jeff Bessilleu and Joe Noone are my go to technical friends who always say “yes”.  A big thank you to also to Fairmount Christian Church for lending us additional equipment, Jacob Filegar and Donna Amadee at C-Works for their assistance with rentals and as always thank you to Mr. Charles Stevens for his continued advocacy for the arts programs at Mechanicsville High School.

   Finally, I would like to thank the pandemic, not for derailing the arts programs and for demonstrating protocol inequity, but for reminding us that WE NEED EACH OTHER.  We need human interaction and community.  May we never take for granted our need to tell our stories to communities that need to hear them.

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