In alphabetical order
Third Reporter and Ensemble
Sydney Atherton
Mona and Ensemble
Ally Babincak
Emcee 4 and Ensemble
Dakotah Berk
Emcee 5 and Ensemble
Samantha Bernstein
Emcee 7 and Ensemble
Jay Boegem
Court Clerk and Ensemble
Tori Branton
Emcee 6 and Ensemble
Lucie Brown
Emcee 9 and Ensemble
Shayne Buddman
Emcee 3 and Ensemble
Janette DelCastillo
Liz and Ensemble
Kayla DuMornay
June and Ensemble
Liv Espinoza
Billy Flynn
Matthew Feinstein
Kitty and Ensemble
Abby Fursetzer
Sergeant, Harry and Ensemble
Mario Galdames
Fogarty, Harrison and Ensemble
Evan Hirschensohn
Hunyak and Ensemble
Sophia Mobley
Fred Casely and Ensemble
Michael Norman
Emcee 8 and Ensemble
Carmie Nussbaum