Shrek The Musical Jr - July 07 - July 08, 2016

OC Performing


From the Producers: First and foremost, we thank God for giving us our gifts, providing the resources, and loving us so much that He sent his Son to redeem us, so that we could have life everlasting. We will be forever praising You. 


Baker Commodities for the amazingly generous donation; without you we could not have achieved this dream of providing opportunites to particpate in the arts, or this production - thank you, thank you, thank you.


The Wielenga Family for underwriting our program, so we could actually print one this time!!! Thank you!!  


The staff at La Mirada Theatre of the Performing Arts. The crew is the most amazing and professional we have ever worked with. They deserve a Tony award!!!




To Alex and Augie at OC Performing Arts school; we couldn't run the school without your help. 


To Encore Rentals for the sets; we appreciate your professionalism.


To The Theatre Company for the Costume Rental; we loved working with you on The Little Mermaid and very glad to be working with you on Shrek. 


To our family, The Paviolo's and the Frost's; it has been a truly challenging year for us, but we believe that without the trials of life, you don't know the person you are capable of becoming. We are honored and priviledged to be able to do what we love and could not have done it without your support and love. 


To Joanna Cronin - a true theatre wardrober; we are grateful for your help with the costumes. 


To our Videographer and Photographer, JPS and Ceclie Guerra. We thank you so much for capturing this amazing event for us. 


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