Trial of the Seven Sins - July 08

Reclaim A Youth

 About R.A.Y 

The RAY organization has just celebrated its 25th year anniversary of making a difference in the lives of the youth. It takes a village to raise a child and RAY is a part of that village. 


RAY is a volunteer non-profit organization committed to enhancing and shaping the lives of youth through counseling and education. RAY's mission is to empower youth ages   12-18 with basic values and affirm their individual talent that helps to build a healthy sense of self-worth and commuity.


The vision is and has always been to improve the quality of life for our future young leaders of tomorrow. RAY's volunteers have been second to none and totally committed to this mission and we whole heartedly thank God for your time, talent, and we'll treasure it for many, many years.


In order to meet our mission and provide services in our community, we rely solely on volunteers and the generosity of individuals, and businesses for support. Without the assistance of the community, minded individuals just like you, we wouldn't be able to serve those in our community each year. We ask that you continue your support of this mission by contributing to our Partners Program membership drive.  


Our upcoming "Annual Gala" will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2017. This year our goal is to raise $50,000.00 and we hope that you will be able to make a contribution. Your generosity will make a difference in our community with our youth and continue our work of saving lives.


Thank you in advance for your support.







Harold Dawson , Presisent




Addie Mix, Executive Director

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