Simply the Best - April 27 - April 29, 2017

Ronald Reagan High School Spirit

 Directors Corner 


To the Diamond Dancers and Silver Stars of 15-16

Eleven years teaching at Reagan has taught me many things.  The most important of those lessons have come from working with you, the most amazing young people I have the privilege to call my team.   


Diamonds & Stars: You all are so talented.  Your passion for dance is evident in your daily work, your focus and attention as well as in your smiles.  It is a wonder to watch you all move together, grow as dancers together and form long lasting relationships with one another.  I love each of you and I hope you never stop dancing!  


Seniors: It is always hard to say goodbye.  Each of you have dedicated so much time and effort into this program and have left your mark on this organization.  I can only say, that while it is sad to see you all go, I am also very proud of each of you and hope the best for you.  Come visit often.


My Officers: You know that I truly believe that the success of every year is due to your work and your vision.   People may not understand how difficult it can be to run a successful program like this one and they may not understand the work you’ve put in behind-the-scenes, but take this moment to take a step back and see all of the success of this year.  Understand that all of the triumphs belong to you.  I’m very proud of each of you!   


Special Thanks: A BIG thank you to all of the Spirit board members and parent volunteers for the countless hours of work and the positive encouragement you give all of us behind-the-scenes.  You are always instrumental in making this program work and this year has been great.  As always, special thanks’ goes out to my family for their continued love.  You know that I love yall, hasta el infinito!  Last, but not least, a big thank you to the Reagan administration for all of your support!   


Nick and Erin: You have changed my life!  You are the dream team to work with and I am eternally appreciative for everything you do for me and this program every day.  I have never laugh so hard, smiled so big and enjoyed my work more than I am enjoying it with yall by my side!  Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!  Jill, you are one of the best interns I have ever had and I know you will make a great director some day.


Never forget that being Simply the Best is not a right, it is a privileged title that you work very hard to achieve every year.  So practice hard and make it count every single time, no matter where you are in life. 


Love You!!   


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