Band Geeks - Expanded Cast Version - April 04 - April 06, 2024

Sacred Heart School of Halifax


This year's production relied on the varied talents of SO many people!!!


The entire ensemble would like to send very special thanks to the following:


- The parents and teachers of the cast and crew for their cooperation and understanding of the huge time commitment and focus necessary to create a sucessful musical production. Also to the parents for letting us raid your closets and storage areas!!


- Mr. Phillips, Dr. MacAskill, Mrs. Elworthy, and Mr. Pinches for their steadfast support of every one of us individually and as a group, and for helping smooth our path behind the scenes.


- The entire custodial staff for their help, understanding, and patience through paint sessions, garbage from lots of weekend meals, clothing and water bottles everywhere at random, snow and mud-covered boots on freshly cleaned floors - and so much more!!


- Mr. Lumsden, Glen, and Donald for helping us make the room work and for building stage extensions, finding extension cords, unearthing sound and lighting boards and ladders - and all the other bits.


- Carole and Denise for greeting us enthusiastically every day and collecting all of our Amazon packages with props inside for the show while not asking too many questions....


- Julia Chaisson for the wonderful headshots.


- Lisa Bugden for dropping everything to help us get the materials for our band uniforms.


- Mrs. Hamilton-Gillis for dropping everything to take those materials and make the uniforms! 


- Liviya for stepping up into a challenging job as Assistant Music Director and knocking it out of the park!!


- Mrs. Dudley for setting up the online ticket sales, and being right there whenever we needed anything.


- Mr. Christian for helping with our IT and tech emergencies!


- Devin and Noah for giving of their time and remarkable talents.


- Maureen Nolan, Saroj Patil, and Heather White for organizing our food related events!


- Mrs. Fear, Ms. Findlay, Mrs. Hamilton-Gillis, Mrs. Beaubien, Maureen Nolan, Saroj Patil, and Lisa Bugden for going above and beyond to help out Ms. Dawson during these busiest of times. You are all exceptional humans with hearts to match.




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