Band Geeks - Expanded Cast Version - April 04 - April 06, 2024

Sacred Heart School of Halifax

 End Notes 



It has been a long time since the world left us the space to do a full blown production, and I am so proud of the work everyone has done to make this one happen. My beginnings with Band Geeks came from one song that was chosen by a previous student of mine a number of years ago - Lost In The Brass - and that song kept showing up! Later on, I figured it might be time to check out the show.... and I discovered a little treasure that was just waiting for the right group.


This is that group.


School musicals are meant to do more than entertain and amuse - they teach life skills. The process is a personal journey of growth for each person involved, no matter their age and experience or role in the final product. Which might be part of the reason I keep doing this work! But there is also the incredible challenge of how to work as a team and for the best interests not of oneself, but of a group as a whole. That's a tough one, especially in today's world - and I watched these students live it in amazing ways. Every day. And between rehearsals too.


I have been so impressed with the level of commitment, dedication and cooperation I've observed in so many of the students involved. They showed up, worked super hard, and didn't get caught up in who had more lines or songs or bits; they were only interested in supporting one another to do the best show possible. It struck me often during rehearsal how much society would gain by following the example I saw constantly. It has truly been remarkable.


To the seniors - most of you have been doing these shows for as long as we could do them. We will miss you!! You will go on to amazing adventures, and you will always have a place with us here at the same time. You should be so proud of yourselves on every level - you have grown into the student leaders you once looked up to, and will continue to change the world around you. We can't wait to see where your journey goes....


To Becca - I met you long ago as a student, and you have become a dear friend and colleague. Thank you for bringing your incredible heart, time, and energy to the kids and I. It has been a privilege to work alongside you - and we're going to do this again!!


To my Sam - this is your very first show as a pit musician, and you are knocking it out of the park over and over!!! I am so proud of the amazing person you continue to become, and feel so lucky that I get to be your Mom. Love you!


To the cast - thank you for remembering it was always supposed to be fun, even on the days when it was a lot of work. THAT is the message to take with you. And to worry less about being the "Captain" and more about being a "Team Player". You knew I had to get some puns in there.....  Go Beavers!!



Ms. Dawson



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