Look around you. Cushy seat, nice air conditioning, beautiful building. Electricity operating stage lights and enchanting sound. To your left or right--or both--are people that you love and celebrate spending time with. There is goodness all around.
And yet.
Some days may be clouded with an on-slaught of adversarial moments that seem to beat us down. We face trials, tragedies, change and grief. Overwhelming at times, it is easy to lose sight of our favorite views.
What re-focuses you? What helps you to overcome? What is your healing balm? Perhaps the most exhillirating aspect of mortality is the quest for the next mountain peak ascended. The crowning moment of conquering the challenge. The learned skill of how to find joy. Hear the music.
My perfect husband taught me that life is like a roller coaster, you get on it for the downs...so don't forget to smile for the camera. As you see Captain von Trapp, a grieving man, you may want to jump and yell, "It's going to get better!", and we'll certainly see Maria remind him of the same. To imagine losing a spouse, and then a home, and even a homeland would certainly seem like a reason to build walls that protect you from the very sources that can heal, return light and help you move forward. We see the same journey for the von Trapp children. Each on their own path, they too must find their way to reach their dreams.
During one of the most tumultous times and places in history, finding the path (whether it be the one expected or not), and finding the people and the soundtrack to accompany that path, is a true quest in this beloved story and musical.
Perhaps it is so beloved because we are never far from our own tumult, and we are also seeking for the path, the people and the soundtrack best suited for us. May you be inspired to adhere to these timeless pearls: those hills really are alive, and it's the sound of music that can bring that life, if we are 16 going on 17, or 58 going on 59, someone out there is saged to mentor us, our favorite things can inspire us, certainly we've all done somthing good at some point based on our blessed lives, you can climb every mountain. And yes, you will find your dreams. I know it.