Dancing with our Diamonds - April 16

The Arc of Greensboro




Thank you to our Raffle
and In-Kind Item Donors

Marriott Myrtle Beach Resort & Spa at Grande Dunes


Greensboro Grasshoppers 


Nido & Mariana Qubein Children's Museum


Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants & Hotels


Starmount Forest Country Club


Mythos Grill


Greensboro Science Center


Theresa Lee


Barri Maxwell


Oden Brewing Company


Temple Emanuel


Ivan Saul Cutler, MakingNewz!





Dancing with our Diamonds Committee Members

Barri Maxell, chair
| Riley Axe | Beth Burns | Rhonda Draper | 
Lindy Garnette | Kathy Kraus | Theresa Lee |
David Mandel | Darla Reed | Ila Rosenthal | Maddie Ward


Special Thanks to 

Gil and Carol Vance
for donating the Trophies


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