It's a Wonderful Life, a Live Radio Play - December 09 - December 11, 2022

The Cannon Theatre

 Welcome to The Cannon Theatre 


Happy Holidays, and welcome to The Cannon Theatre!


The Story of It’s a Wonderful Life is a beautiful reminder of how every person matters and makes a difference to others. It is a lesson we should all carry with us, during the holiday season, and always. We hope you enjoy our rendition on the Elizabeth B. McGraw Stage, and go back out into the world with a warmed heart and a strengthened sense of purpose.


Another story, the story of "stone soup", exists all over the world. In our favorite variation, a hungry traveler appears in a village with nothing but an empty cooking pot, a spoon, and his appetite. When the suspicious villagers will not show him any hospitality, he sets up his cooking pot in the village square and begins to boil water with a simple stone in it.


As the curious townsfolk pass by and ask him what he is doing, he stirs the pot and tells them that he is making stone soup. Further, he explains that at the end of the day when the soup is ready, everyone will be welcome to come and share it with him.


Eventually, one person ventures that the soup might taste better with a few onions. Soon the villagers are each bringing a couple of carrots, a potato, a little salt, whatever they have on hand to add to the stone soup.


At the end of the day, the whole town shares a delicious pot of soup (minus the stone, of course), and they have also learned a valuable lesson about the joys of sharing.


Stone Soup Kitchen takes this lesson and uses it to serve the community. Along with weekly potlucks, they also have a food pantry. Other members of the community also pitch in, to offer harm reduction counseling, haircuts, job counseling, and wellness counseling. 


The Cannon Theatre is proud to support Stone Soup Kitchen and their wonderful work that makes an important difference and a positive impact on so many lives. Please make a cash or check donation today – every penny will go to Stone Soup Kitchen – or donate online at You may also bring non-perishable food donations to the theatre. 


Thank you for your generosity!


Heather Pruiksma

The Cannon Theatre Board Treasurer and Secretary



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