It's a Wonderful Life, a Live Radio Play - December 09 - December 11, 2022

The Cannon Theatre


The Cannon Theatre gratefully acknowledges the major support provided by the 

Elizabeth B. McGraw Foundation 

that makes our very existence possible


The Cannon Theatre has also been granted funding from

these important local groups:



Including the Local Cultural Councils of Acton-Boxborough,

Ayer, Groton, Harvard, Littleton, Lunenburg, Shirley, and Townsend




To all of our MANY wonderful individual donors and patrons who sustained The Cannon Theatre through the tribulations of 2020 and 2021,

THANK YOU for your confidence in our big plans!





We also extend a HUGE thank you to the team of superstars who donated their time and expertise to secure and plan our new space:


Kathleen O'Connor, project lead

John P. Lynch, Architect (studio J2 architects)

Frank P. Harrigan, Structural Engineer

John Valentine, Lawyer


We could not have made it through this transition without your efforts. 

Your friendship is a gift.

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