The Little Mermaid - April 26 - April 29, 2017

United Nations International School


The cast, crew, and production team of The Little Mermaid extend their deepest gratitudes and appreciations to the people who devoted their time, effort, and skill in an effort to make this production come to life. 


Special Thanks to...


Jane Camblin

Chad Fairey

Elaine Kelly

Sal Uy

Dan Lauter

 Santiago Palomino

Ed Peppe

Corey Dorn

Michelle Bertrand

Laura Parkes

Kiara Downey

Diana Huey

Magda Vakil

Barbara Mattson

Vera Tatel

Dan Cronin

Katt Ross

Allegra Levy

Liz Smith

Lucie Blau

All of the parent and faculty volunteers

All of the security and maintenance team




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