The Woods - October 23 - October 31, 2020

Wayzata High



Freezing Time Spell: To Stop Time For 5 Minutes (Needs a Golden Pocket Watch)

Ingredients/objects needed:
-a golden pocket watch 
To complete a freezing time speed you will need a golden wrist watch. Set your intent on the watch and enclose it in your hands as you chant this incantation: 

While time consumes all life 

To stop it in it’s strife 

A watch will stand it still 

Freeze it if you will 

Freeze it if you will 

This spell requires energy and will not last more than the moment that you set the intent for so set your intent wisely.  

Mood Changing Spell: To Alter The Mood (Needs a Prisim & Marigold)

Ingredients/objects needed:- A prism, to bend the light

- Marigold, for happiness

Reflect the rainbow from the prism onto a bed of marigold petals. Set your intended target of the spell and recite the incantation:

To ward away the gloom in thy mind’s dreary tomb

And bring into sight the goddess’s eternal light

May happiness come with ease, and the goddess you may appease

So she brings forth all emotion that is good!

If done correctly, the recipient of the spell should feel an immediate sense of upliftment and joy.

Binding Spell: To Stop Enemies (Needs a Rope, String or Ribbon)

To stop an evil agent, take an effigy, totem or doll in the evil one’s image. Use string, ribbon, or rope to bind the effigy hands like handcuffs. While wrapping, chant the following three times: 

With this string I bind you 

With this string I bind you 

With this string I bind you 

Binding will last 24-48 hours. For a more powerful binding, take a beloved object from the agent or agent’s effigy, and carry it with she/he who cast the spell. 
Flying Spell: To Endow the Gift of Flight (Needs an Eagle Feather)
Ingredients needed:
-Eagle feathers, enough to every person of your group to hold.

For this spell to be complete each member of your coven must hold an eagles feather in their left hand. To perform the spell, raise the feather above your head and sing the words:

I wanna fly like an eagle

To the sea

Fly like an eagle

Let my spirit carry me

If the spell is done correctly, hopefully your coven will float in the air in the direction the eagles feather is pointed. 

Truth Spell: To Get Truthful Answers (Needs Potion of Wolf)

Ingredients needed:
-A potion of wolf

To wheedle out the truth from another being, you must first pour the potion on the ground in front of your target. Then, say the words: 
The truth is strong, it carries on

Ringing like a bell

And with these words, you will be heard

The truth that you must tell

If the spell is done correctly, they have to answer one question of yours with the truth and only the truth.

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