Ace Arnell
as Les
Ainslie, also known as Ace, is a 7th grade trans man who mainly enjoys video games, chocolate, art, and acting. Ask him anything related to his special interests and he will go WILD. This is also his first time being a major role in a musical. Hope you like his performance!
Arden Barczi
as Scab 2, Newsie
Arden is a 6th grader at the Kennedy. She has done theatre before in different camps. She has a dog named Reina. Arden is very excited for Newsies!
Adia Bhargava
as Olive, Brooklyn Newsie
Adia Bhargava is a seventh grader at East Somerville Community School. She has previously performed as King Julien in Madagascar and as Sydney Grimm in The Big Bad musical. Some of her hobbies are playing trombone, soccer, reading and crafts of many types.
Maggie Breton
as Morris Delancey
Maggie Breton is a 7th grade student at the John F. Kennedy school. This is her first ever show! She would like to thank the cast, crew, and her family (definitely her dog) for supporting her through the year.
Gina Chagnon
as Police, Brooklyn Newsie
Gina is in 7th grade at ESCS in the unidos program. She enjoys singing and playing violin. She is also a big fan of reading. She performed in Honk Jr. last school year.