Kenzie Atack
Kenzie Atack (Mother Scene 3 First Friday), is in 6th grade. She is so excited to perform in the show. She loves to spend time with family and friends, as well as draw, and play games! She hopes you have an outstanding and enjoyable time at the show.
AJ Cogdon
AJ Congdon (Running Crew), is in 6th grade. He is excited to be tech in Parents Just Don't Understand. He likes playing video games and playing the euphonium.
Valeria Curcho
Valeria Curcho (Mother Scene 1 First Friday, Daughter Scene 4 Second Friday) she's in 6th grade. She's really happy that she's a part of the show and excited to be here and play her part. She enjoys singing with others and even by herself. She loves drawing and hopes to be an animator when she grows up.She welcomes you with a warm hello and hopes that you will enjoy the play. Good luck!
Kevin Hicks
Kevin Hicks (Son Scene 3 Second Friday) is in 6th grade. He is very happy to be apart of the Phantom Players and he is excited to preform for everyone. He likes to ride his bike around with his friends. He is excited to see all those faces watching him preform. Thank you for coming and enjoy the show.
Leah Santizo
Leah Santizo (Daughter Scene 1 First Friday, Mother Scene 7 Both Shows), is in 6th grade. She is very excited to perform in one of her first acting performances. She greatly enjoys listening to music, dancing ballet, and spending time with her friends. Leah enjoys helping her loved ones with their problems and hopes to become a child therapist when she grows up. Leah hopes that everyone here enjoys watching the show!