Theodora Bowlsby
as Hermes
Theodora is a sophomore who’s been in ACP’s Les Miserables and Midsummmer Night’s Dream and STS’s Shrek. They love to listen to podcasts and look at cat pictures and want to thank their parents for being so kind and supportive.
Ruby Venkatesh
as Fate
Ruby is a senior who has performed in ACP’s Beauty and the Beast, Into the Woods, and Les Misérables. When not in the theater or choir room, she enjoys taking long runs, building robots, and watching the West Wing. She loves her family for always keeping it funky fresh.
Renee Breaux
as Fate
Renee is a senior, but this is his first show with ACP and his first time in musical theater! However, he’s also been the jazz band vocalist at LASA since his freshman year. He’d like to shoutout his fellow fates, his friends, and his family for supporting him!
Eliot Donmoyer
as Fate
Eliot Donmoyer is excited to enter his second year with ACP as a Fate! Last year, he was Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Javert in Les Misérables, and Mr. Green in Clue! He's very excited to be working along side the other Fates and everyone else in the cast and crew. He believes this company was *fated* to do this show.
Natalie Choi
as Persephone
Natalie Choi is thrilled to be playing Persephone in Hadestown! This is her first musical ever, and she is infinitely grateful for the opportunity to perform and work with such a talented group of people. She wants to thank all those in theater for making this experience unforgettable, her parents for supporting her, and little sister for putting up with all her singing in the shower.