Much Ado About Nothing - May 01 - May 02, 2020

Munster High School

 Director's Notes 

Director's Notes


Going into this season, I knew that Much Ado About Nothing would be groundbreaking, as Shakespeare had never been produced on the MTC stage before.  However, recent events have made it even more groundbreaking.  This is now also the first show that MTC will be livestreaming!  This is possible in part because Shakespeare's work is in the public domain, though a number of publishing companies (including ones for musicals) are granting livestreaming permission during this time.


But it is also due in large part to the will of the MTC students who wanted to continue on with this show.  I think that they, like the general public, crave the arts right now to help cope with the situation we are all in.  Just think of how much has been made available through various streaming platforms for low or no fees.  And if you have followed us on social media, we have been promoting a host of theatrical and other performing arts events that are being offered for free to the general public.  These MTC students whose work you will be seeing and hearing is another example of the arts reaching out to help our society cope.


Because in live theatre everything is done in person and communally, you can imagine the adjustments we all had to make in moving our rehearsals online.  We literally were talking heads, talking to other talking heads (when our cameras wer working)!  Not having the ability to rehearse in close physical proximity really speaks to the human need for social interaction, so abruptly and drastically cut off during these times.


I am so proud of these actors and technicians.  Within a couple of weeks, we retooled our production for livestreaming.  Everyone worked hard to create what you will see and hear.  On a side note, our plan was to set the show in 1945, with the soldiers coming home from WWII.  That is why you will see and hear things reminscent of that time period.


We only lost a couple of students who could not be available due to the quarantine.  This makes me sad as an educator, because I know they truly wanted to be a part of the production.  However, taking care of oneself is paramount in these times.


I thank each and every one of you for your support.  We don't know what our season will hold for us next year as we work through this pandemic.  But I am confident that with the passion our students have for theatre, with the support you graciously give us, we all will "act well our part" and "the show will go on"!


--R. Palasz

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