Lane Terry
Lane began choreographing for the Munster Theater Company her freshman. Over this time period, she has been Dance Captain on Seussical the Musical and Fiddler on the Roof, Assistant Choreographer on The Secret Garden and Working, and Choreographer on Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella. Along with choreography, she has had supporting roles in two plays and five musicals at Munster High School.
Erin Bryce
Stage Manager
Erin has been in Romeo and Juliet at Theatre at the Center. She has also done beginning and advanced acting conservatories and MANY church plays. She was also at Notre Dame for the Shakespeare Festival doing Shakespeare Shenanigans along with some Shake Scenes including, Hamlet and the Bachelorette with Shakespeare characters.
Brooke Metzger
Assistant Stage Managers
Brooke has been involved in technical theatre.
Joseph Bellahcen
Sound Designer
This season marks Joseph's second year with the Auditorium Staff, and he is excited to have the honor of helping bring you this fall's production of "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten!"