You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Revised 1999) - March 04 - March 13, 2016

Palm Springs High School Theatre Company

 Songs and Scenes 

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (music by Clark Gesner and Andrew Lippa; lyrics by Clark Gesner and Andrew Lippa)  
Lucy, Schroeder
My Blanket and Me  
The Kite  
Charlie Brown
The Doctor Is In  
Lucy, Charlie Brown
Beethoven Day (music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa)  
Schroeder, Company
Book Report  
The Red Baron  
My New Philosophy (music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa)  
Sally, Schroeder
T.E.A.M. (The Baseball Game)  
Charlie Brown, Company
Glee Club Rehearsal  
Little Known Facts  
Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown





The time of the action is “an average day in the life of Charlie Brown.” It really is just that, a day made up of little moments picked from all the days of Charlie Brown, from Valentine’s Day to the baseball season, from wild optimism to utter despair, all mixed in with the lives of his friends (both human and non-human) and strung together on the string of a single day, from bright uncertain morning to hopeful starlit evening. True love also seems to be the only unmanageable element in Lucy’s solid life, which we discover as we watch her try to bulldoze her way through to her boyfriend’s sensitive, six-year-old musician’s heart, in Schroeder. The little scenes then begin to accumulate, and we learn that Lucy’s little brother, Linus, is thoughtful about many things but fanatical when it comes to the matter of his blanket; and that Charlie Brown’s dog spends much if not most of his time thinking of being something else-a gorilla, a jungle cat, perhaps a handsome trophy or two-but that mostly his life is a pleasant one-Snoopy. The events continue to trickle on. Linus enjoys a private time with his most favorite thing of all –My Blanket and Me, Lucy generously bothers to inform him of her ambition-of-the-moment, to become a queen with her won queendom, and then Charlie Brown lurches in for still another bout with his own friendly enemy –The Kite. Valentine’s Day comes and goes with our hero receiving not one single valentine, which brings him to seek the temporary relief of Lucy’s five-cent psychiatry booth-The Doctor Is In. We then watch as four of our friends go through their individual struggles with the homework assignment of writing a hundred word essay of “Peter Rabbit” in The Book Report.

 Act Two roars in with Snoopy lost in another world atop his dog house. As a World War One flying ace he does not bring down the infamous Red Baron in today’s battle but we know that someday, someday he will. The day continues. We learn of the chaotic events of the Very Little League’s Baseball Game as Charlie Brown writes the news to his pen pal. Lucy is moved to conduct a personal survey to find out just how crabby she really is, and all the group gathers for a misbegotten rehearsal of a song they are to sing in assembly. It is suppertime, and Snoopy once more discovers what wild raptures just the mere presence of his full supper dish can send him into. And then it is evening. The gathered friends sing a little about their individual thoughts of happiness and then they go off, leaving Lucy to make a very un-Lucy-like gesture: she tells Charlie Brown what a good man he is.

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