Midsummer/Jersey - November 16 - November 18, 2023

Sparta High School



Sparta High School


Dr. Matthew Beck, Superintendent

Joanne Black, Business Administrator

Tara Rossi, Assistant Superintendent

Brent Rivers, Supervisor of English/Language Arts grades 6-12

Steven Stoner, Athletic Director and Student Activities Director


Dr. Edward Lazarra, Principal

Jamie Barker, Vice Principal

Courtney Kopf, Vice Principal




2023 Sparta Board of Education


Kurt Morris, President

Leigh McMichael, Vice-President

Lauren Collier

Walter Knapp

Christina Keiling

Craig Palleschi

LeeAnne Pitzer

Wendy Selander

Vanessa Serrano





Thank You!


Our staff, cast, and crew are grateful to everyone who has supported us throughout this production.


In particular, we'd like to acknowledge:

Andrea Langan and Paula Sclafani

Jeffrey Haakmeester and the SHS custodial staff

Steve Viegas

Angela DeLuccia


And most of all, the friends and families of the cast and crew

for always being there when we need them!

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