Note from the Director
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, my what a year it has been. We first started discussing putting on Rumors in June of 2020. At the time, it was a far fetched dream. We were past the first lockdown of Covid-19 and we wanted to plan ahead, so we figured we'd do auditions in August, start rehearsing after the Holidays in October, and put the show up for the start of a brand new, covid free, 2021.
Things didn't go quite as expected.
I never thought I would see myself in rehearsals where everyone was masked, pretending to shake hands or hug as to not get too close to one another. I couldn't have concieved running lines on zoom during a lockdown, or canceling a show because of war. Yet here we are, exactly one year later, finally seeing this show come onto a stage.
To say I am proud of this cast and crew is an understatement. Throughout everything, they have continued to work, to dream, and to commit to this show. Their passion has inspired me to keep creating and to build a show that is worthy of the incredible artists who are a part of it.
On a personal note, Rumors was one of the first plays I saw that made me think "I want to do that." As a freshman in high school, I was at an age where I could appreciate the memorization and hard work put in by the actors, stage crew, and everyone else involved. I have been enamored with the theatre ever since, and it's only fitting that Rumors marks my debut as Artistic Director of The Stage. Thank you to Becky for convincing me to do this and answering my thousands of questions. To Michal, for being my right hand woman throughout the whole process. To Kate, I'm so glad I talked you into this - this production would have fallen apart without you. To Neil, for making so many of these crazy ideas I had a physical reality.
This show is a testament that no matter the circumstances, art will always thrive.
Enjoy the show,
Hunter Weinsheink