Hunter Weinsheink
Hunter is a director, actor, and improviser who hails from the desert land of Arizona.He has directed and acted in various theater productions across the US, UK, and Israel. He's volunteered with the stage for the last four years and has worked as The Stage's Artistic Director for the last year. He improvises in Tel Aviv with the Bearfoot Improv Corp. and is passionate about entertaining audiences, The Lord of the Rings and puns.
What did the pirate say when he turned 80? "Aye Matey" (say it outloud).
Michal Peer
Stage Manager
Michal has been involved with the world of theatre since the age of 9 when she was given her first role in a school production of The Emperor’s New Clothes. Since then, Michal has been found both on the stage and behind the scenes in various productions over the years. She has been on the stage in everything from musicals to Shakespeare, including two 48-Hour Actathons, one StageX and, most recently, The Stage’s Miscast 3 in March 2020. She is a writer of Purim shpiels together with her creative partner back in the US and has written a one-act for the next StageX. Michal has stage managing experience for kindergarteners through high schoolers and she is thrilled to continue her Israeli theatre journey as a member of The Stage’s creative team.
LeeAnn Langer
Assistant Stage Manager
Originally from New Jersey, LeeAnn Langer is a recent MBA graduate and a new mom! When she isn't at home due to corona or maternity leave, she plans tours for English speakers coming to visit Israel.LeeAnn is joining The Stage for the first time. She has been involved in English theater productions in Jerusalem in the past, but has not had the opportunity to join a production since moving to Tel Aviv and is excited to be back at it!