The Prom School Edition - November 16 - November 18, 2023

University Prep


This year's production could not have been possible without the dedicated help of several people outside of our classes. 


Jess Klein for her superlative vision and skill in choreography.  Her dedication to the students and the program shines through in this Production. 


Thane Lewis for his depth of sound knowledge.  The shows have never sounded better and the students have been learning so much under his tutelage.  


Yasmine Akacem is one of our Student Sound workers and she has been tremendous and generous with her help.  She has also been intregal in helping to train her replacements as this is her last year at UPrep


Felicia Lindholm for making delicious and healthy food for us during our Tech Run this week and weekend. 


Landon Velan.  This is a student who exemplifies service and community.  He has stepped up to help the show in many many ways and has constantly been exuberant in showing his eagerness to help and learn.  He has been a delight to have around and his keen eye for detail has been extremely helpful in tightening up the designs. Thanks Landon!!

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