Cast Members
Julia Bandini
Pajama Game
Jillian Craig
Beauty and The Beast
Maddie Craig
Beauty and The Beast
Laura Deschaines
Sweet Charity, Holiday Inn
Rick Grenier
Sweet Charity, Holiday Inn, Pajama Game, Annie, Beast
Maya Harrington
Annie, Beauty and The Beast
Elizabeth Hassett
Annie, Beauty and The Beast
Brian Higgins
Spelling Bee, Holiday Inn
Emily Hurst
Holiday Inn, Beauty and The Beast
Paul Keefe
Holiday Inn, Pajama Game, Annie
Brenna Kenney
Spelling Bee, Sweet Charity
Colleen Locke
Beauty and The Beast
Stephanie Mann
Beauty and The Beast
Jessica Ober
Sweet Charity, Holiday Inn, Pajama Game, Beast
Robert Orzalli
Beauty and The Beast
Gavin Patricks
Beauty and The Beast
Michael Sterling
Spelling Bee, Beauty and The Beast
Bridget Sullivan
Sweet Charity, Holiday Inn, Spelling Bee, Pajama Game, Annie, Beast
Dan Sullivan
Holiday Inn, Production Team
Dana Sullivan
Pajama Game, Annie
Holly Sullivan
Production Team
Nora Sullivan
Spelling Bee, Pajama Game, Annie
Andy Swansburg
Pajama Game